9 Common Mistakes of Fresh Job Seekers - Govt Job Guide : Free Job Alerts

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Wednesday, 20 March 2019

9 Common Mistakes of Fresh Job Seekers


1. Poorly Written Resume: 

             The first weapon you need in job search battle is your resume. Most of the job seekers just pick a resume from friends and replace name and address. Remember that’s the first and biggest mistake!!! 

Your resume must reflect your career goal and your skill set. 

You can’t just write in your resume the technologies/skills that you don’t know. Mostly, interviewers don’t expect any specific in-depth skills in a fresher. So, they focus on technologies that you are familiar with (which are written on your resume). 

If you don’t have sufficient skills to list on your resume, please stop your job search and update your skills. Otherwise, its waste of time.1f60a 

You don’t need to have a lengthy resume; honest and confident resume is the best one to fetch you a job.

2. Lack of Clear Knowledge on Projects: 

           Most of the fresh graduates fail to explain even their project summary. It could be due to lack of involvement in a project or because of a fake project. The first thing that any interviewer will ask you in depth is about your project. It is because that’s where you had applied your skills to make your very first product.

If you don’t know about your project, first focus to gain complete knowledge on it. Ask your team members to explain it. If you could explain your project well, you have better chances to beat an interview.

3. Lack of Basic Technical Skill: 

           Just think, why would someone hire you? It’s because you have certain skills to get their work done!!
Companies don’t expect domain expertise from a fresher. They just want you to be equipped with basic skills in your discipline. So that they can train you with fewer efforts on a specific domain.

For example, if you are a computer science graduate, you must have a clear understanding of Operating Systems, Computer networks, Software engineering, Programming skills and concepts, Database Management systems etc.,. With these foundation skills, employers can train you easily on a specific technology.

4. Lack of Hands-on Skills: 

          Most of the students / fresh graduates have good percentage of marks but very poor practical skills. Your marks should reflect your capabilities. For example, if you are a computer science graduate, you should be able to write an algorithm and implement it for a given problem. You should be able to fine-tune performance of a computer system etc.,

Having proficiency in all technologies is not possible. So, at least stick to your favorite subjects and gain practical knowledge on it. Else, finding a job remains as a dream!!

  Practical skill can be processed by practice. Spend lot of time in reading concepts, watching technical hands-on videos and practice them. You will possess a great confidence that will fetch you a job.

5. Lack of Communication Skills:

         Communication skills impact the work efficiency, collaboration, and motivation of employees. A person with good communication skills can collaborative well in work environment which promotes employee productivity and innovation. 
If communication skills are poor, confidence in communicating ideas and issues within the team will come down which will result in poor product development.

So, employers give more importance to communication skills. If you don’t have proper communication skills or lack of confidence in communication, you have very fewer chances of clearing an interview.

6. Lack of Good Professional Network:

        If you are connected well with people who are already working on your target domain, you are open to more opportunities. They can bring you references, guidance, knowledge and much more.

So, focus to grow healthy network rather than spending time on social media for entertainment.
Register on a professional network such as LinkedIn and build your professional network.
7. Falling Behind Courses Maze:

            In recent days, most of the job seekers start with learning a course like SAP, testing tools, cloud computing etc., In our opinion, as a fresher, you don’t have to learn any specific course. Your employer will train you in required domain.
You must devote more time in building your technical foundation, communication skills rather than a specific course.

8. Poor Job Search Efforts:

       You should not do a part-time job search!! Most of the job seekers spend more time on social media and other entertainment activities. You must plan your time for skill development and job searching. 
Try various ways to find a job, ask for referral, register on many job portals, inquire about walk-ins, visit companies and drop your resume etc.,

The more time you devote to job search, the more chances you have, to get a job!!

9. Unclear Goals:

       Don’t be in confusion whether to prepare for government jobs or to go for higher studies or to get into family business etc., Confusion keeps you busy with no results!!

Discuss with your elders and friends and take a decision and set a clear goal for your career and work towards it. Proper planning and dedication will fetch you success!!

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