16 Tips For Writing Good Resume for Freshers / Job seekers - Govt Job Guide : Free Job Alerts

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Sunday, 17 March 2019

16 Tips For Writing Good Resume for Freshers / Job seekers

Here are the top and best resume writing tips for freshers / job seekers.
  1. Your resume should not contain the pronouns “I” or “me.”
  2. Use good quality paper for your resume and use simple font instead of using some fancy stylish fonts.
  3. Know the purpose of your resume. The objective of your resume is to land an interview, and the interview will land you the job
  4. Use bullet points so that it will be easy to read.Avoid using long paragraphs.
  5. Always remember to put your mobile number and e-mail id, if possible give an alternate number.
  6. Put the most important information first on your resume.
  7. Try to restrict your resume to not more than two pages.
  8. Check for spelling errors and grammatical mistake before you take a final copy of your resume as even a small error could cause rejection in interview.
  9. No lies,please.Even small lies should be avoided
  10. Remember to mention any awards or recognition earned by you during your academics.But try to avoid your hobbies in resume (hobbies like swimming, playing cricket, singing etc…)
  11.  If you are a fresher then stress more on your education section and also mention other additional qualifications in detail.
  12. Give a brief description about projects and extra-curricular activities undertaken by you.
  13. Having a photograph on your resume is a good idea. There is no rule that a resume should or should not have a photo.
  14. Don’t include too much information.
  15. It is a good idea to update your resume on a regular basis. Add all the new information that you think is relevant, as well as courses, training programs and other academic qualifications that you might receive along the way.
  16. Last but not the least: Even if you think you resume is looking excellent, it would be a good idea to get a second person opinion about it.
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